Rabu, 15 Juni 2022

Three Legal Institutions Will Investigate Alleged Corruption in Papua Special Autonomy


Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus), Ali Mukartono, said that law enforcement officers in Indonesia will begin to explore the use of special autonomy funds (Otsus) in the Papua and Aceh regions related to alleged corruption.

Ali explained that later the Attorney General's Office together with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Indonesian Police under the command of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs will work on these cases.

“The budget disbursed by the government must have a principle of benefit for the welfare of the indigenous Papuan people”

However, Ali said that until now his institution did not know the initial data on which to investigate these cases. He only said that all the disbursement of government funds for Special Autonomy would now begin to be investigated by investigators and investigators.

Mahfud MD himself had previously received reports of alleged corruption of Special Autonomy funds from the Forum for Regional Heads in Tanah Tabi and Sairei (FORKADA), Papua Province.

Mahfud then instructed all law enforcement officials, from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Police, to the Attorney General's Office to immediately investigate these indications.

Meanwhile, the National Police's Intelligence and Security Agency (Baintelkam) revealed the alleged misappropriation of Papua's Special Autonomy funds at the 2021 Police Leadership Meeting (Rapim) in 2021 on Wednesday (17/2).

From the results of the investigation by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), there is waste and ineffectiveness in the use of the budget. In addition, there are indications of mark ups or price increases in the procurement of a number of public facilities in the Papua region.

Apart from waste, there was markup or price markup in the procurement of a number of public facilities in the Papua region. Furthermore, there are reports that fictitiously pay for a number of developments in the Papua region. The value is fantastic, reaching IDR 1.8 trillion.

Meanwhile, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has not turned a blind eye to encouraging the Regional Police and the WestPapua Attorney General's Office to investigate allegations of misappropriation of Special Autonomy funds in West Papua, although prevention efforts are still prioritized.

Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Alexander Marwata said that his institution has committed to monitoring the use of the Special Autonomy budget in Papua and West Papua, starting from systemic prevention and supervision in local governments to the grass roots as beneficiaries.

He explained that the commitment of this anti-rasuah institution to the management of the Papua Special Autonomy budget, so that the budget disbursed from the center is not redundant, and may even be corrupted.

The follow-up of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia together with related institutions in the case of alleged corruption in the management of the Papua Special Autonomy fund is a positive step in warning local elites to welcome the implementation of Otsus volume II. With this step, it is hoped that the sustainability of Otsus can provide real benefits for the welfare of the Papuan people.


Fernando H. 

Papuan Observer

Jumat, 10 Juni 2022

The Importance of Papuan Participation in the Revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law



                                                        Photo: Papua Barat Oke

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin stated that he would thoroughly evaluate the governance of the Papua and WestPapua special autonomy funds (Otsus) so that it targets effectively for development and improving the welfare of the Papuan people.

Apart from evaluating, Ma'ruf said that his party would compile a new design and way of working in implementing the accelerated development program in Papua. He said he had held a Steering Board meeting for the Integrated Team for the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces some time ago.

Currently under the coordination of Bappenas as the National Secretariat for the Integrated Team, an inventory and consolidation of data, work programs, and budget allocations for ministries, agencies and the Papua Regional Government is being carried out to ensure accuracy, adequacy and effectiveness of budgets and synchronization between Ministries, Agencies and Local Governments.

Ma'ruf also promised to invite dialogue and consultations with all components of society in Papua regarding the Otsus policy. Moreover, the Papua Special Autonomy policy volume I will end in 2021.

Ma'ruf plans to take a cultural approach through dialogue with various strategic partners in Papua. Such as traditional leaders, religious leaders, educational leaders, regional / bureaucratic leaders, youth and women leaders as strategic partners.

Meanwhile, Member of Committee I DPD RI, Intsiawati Ayus, emphasized that it is important to discuss the Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) Bill (RUU) to involve indigenous peoples and the Papuan People's Rajelis (MRP).

"As a regional representation, DPD RI has an interest in giving the best in the framework of discussing the bill." 

The statement shows the similarity of opinion between the two figures above, where the participation of the Papuan people in the discussion of the Revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law is a must. The government together with related institutions must optimize its role to hear the input and aspirations of the Papuan people regarding the sustainability of Otsus.

With such efforts, the Papuan people will feel that the Government is serious about evaluating the Papua Special Autonomy Law which has been running for the last 20 years. In this way, various propaganda efforts to reject the continuation of the Papua Special Autonomy can be anticipated by the Papuan people themselves.

As is well known, Otsus Papua has had a significant impact on welfare development in Papua. Physical and non-physical development has been shown to increase due to the allocation of special autonomy funds aimed at improving the welfare of the Papuan people.


Reno F.

Papuan Observer

Jumat, 03 Juni 2022

Recruitment of TNI-POLRI Members through Otsus is a Form of Government's Commitment in Building Papuan Human Resources



A total of 1,000 non-commissioned cadets for the Special Autonomy for Indigenous Papuans (Otsus OAP) of Kodam XVIII Kasuari 2020 were asked to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and instill nationalism.

As many as 1,000 non-commissioned officers from Papua are currently undergoing the Special Autonomy Special Forces OAP Kodam XVIII Kasuari 2020 in a number of Military Regional Master Regiments (Rindam) on Java Island.

They consist of 330 students sent to Rindam III / Siliwangi, 240 non-commissioned officers to Rindam IV / Diponegoro, 260 students to Rindam V / Brawijaya, and 130 candidates for non-commissioned officers to Rindam Jaya. Then, as many as 40 native Papuan women attended the Education Center for the Indonesian Army Corps for Women (Pusdik Kowad), Lembang, Bandung.

In this education a new method is also applied, namely the foster family method by making each student soldier from an area other than Papua, who has first undergone education as a superintendent for two students from Papua. As older siblings, they are assigned to help Papuan students understand educational material.

Pangadam XVIII / Kasuari, Maj. Gen. TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa said that the Otsus non-commissioned officer program was a pilot program and became the first model to be implemented.

"The recruitment program for candidates for the Special Autonomy Pathway is a pilot projec
t, if successful, it is likely that next year there will be a similar program"

Meanwhile, the West Papua Regional Police Chief has also issued a telegram letter Number: ST /50/III/DIK.2.1/2021 dated February 9, stating that the recruitment of NCOs will be carried out through the affirmation of the Special Autonomy route in 2021 with a student quota of 1,500 people consisting of 1400 candidates. male non-commissioned officers and 100 female non-commissioned officers (Polwan).

The provisions in the recruitment process in the West Papua Police Chief's telegram letter, the parents of the NCO candidates are native Papuans (OAP) or are descendants of OAP as evidenced by the MRPB recommendation letter.

Then prospective participants who are not OAP but born and raised and have received elementary, junior high and high school education in West Papua and are strengthened by an MRPB certificate.

The recruitment of indigenous Papuan youths to become members of the TNI - Polri shows the government's commitment to developing Papuan human resources. As is known, since it was launched in 2009, the Papua Provincial Government through a scholarship program sourced from special autonomy funds has produced thousands of graduates from various educational institutions.

Seven graduates from abroad, namely S3 as many as 22 people, S2 as many as 22 people, S1 as many as 148 people, D3 as many as nine people, high school as many as 132 people.

Four overseas graduates from the academy plus pilot or pilot licenses, 24 people in collaboration with the S2-S3 BIT LPDP pathway.

The data above shows clear evidence of the Government's commitment to developing Papuan human resources through Otsus funding. Therefore, we should support the extension of the increase in the SpecialAutonomy fund for the next 20 years.


Devan L.

Papuan Observer

Mahasiswa Asal Papua di Kupang NTT Minta Penegakan Hukum Secara Tegas Terhadap Pelaku Kekerasan Kasus Babarsari

  Dibrilian Jornes Tawarisi Rumbewas, Mahasiswa asal Timika Papua, Korban Kericuhan Babarsari  Para pelaku kerusuhan antar warga yang terjad...